Skyr Everything Bagels
We’re taking your breakfast game up a notch! These bagels are soft yet crispy, simple yet flavorful, and just simply beautiful if you ask me!
Let's Get Cookin'
Let's Get Cookin'
1 cup flour
2 tsp. baking powder
Pinch of salt
1 (5.3oz) Plain Painterland Sisters Skyr
1 Egg + splash of water
Everything but the bagel seasoning (for topping)
Preheat oven to 375° F
Combine all dry ingredients
Add in yogurt and mix together with a fork🍴
*If the mix is too dry, add a splash of water*
Once dough is well mixed, use your hands to form into a ball
On a lightly floured surface, knead the dough and form mixture into a flattened ball
Cut dough into 4 equal parts
Take each part and roll into a log (there is no perfect way to do this, just make them however large you’d like!)
From there, bring together the two ends to create a bagel shape 🥯
In a bowl, mix together one egg and a splash of water to create an egg wash. Brush bagels with the wash.
Top with everything but the bagel seasoning!
Bake 15 minutes (originally said 25 min, but 15 was perfecto!)
Keep any leftovers in a sealed bag for 3 days.